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Thank You Falettinme Be Mice Elf Agin

DICEの更新日付を見たらなんと1年ぶりの更新だった。このウェブサイトについても同様である。実はDICE 0.85自体は去年の8月に完成していたのだけれど、それから色々あって手を付けることが出来なくなり、リリースそのものは今日に至ったという有様だ。書きたいことも多々あるが、しかしまたしても時間がない。後日に譲る。

How to Programmatically Create Self-signed Certificate and Key PairAssociation for SSL Communication with Microsoft Windows SSPI

In late 2001 when I started the development of the DICE , a multi-protocol network server, one of the planned features was secure authenticated connection across the web for remote server administration. I implemented it with SSPI (Security Support Provider Interface Architecture) found in Microsoft Platform SDK. SSPI is an abstraction framework through which you can control 3 (or more) different secure authentication/communication protocols including SSL (Secure Sockets Layer). Among the protocols supported in SSPI, I chose SSL because others (NTLM and Kerberos) were useless in my context over the internet without ActiveDirectory and related mess. But SSL in SSPI has some caveats before use - Since SSL is an inefficient streamed protocol unlike others and the abstraction by SSPI is not in high-level, your code starts to look nasty if you attempt to make it conform to the streaming nature of the protocol. It gets worse especially when your application is constructed arou...